Creative Dance Congress

The 2025 Creative Dance Congress 

at Tucson Creative Dance Studio

3131 N. Cherry Ave. Tucson, Arizona

 Introductory Workshop:  Saturday, July 26 - Sunday, July 27

 Creative Dance Congress:  Sunday, July 27 - Friday, Aug. 1

This year the IACD Annual Dance Congress will embrace the quote that adorns the outer wall of the Tucson

Creative Dance Center: “We dance for pleasure and for the good of the city”, which is credited to the

indigenous Zuni people of the southwest. This quote embodies the foundational sentiment of Barbara

Mettler’s work - that creative art activity is an essential human need, and that healthy humans make healthy


PARTICIPATION - Who is the IACD Creative Dance Congress for? EVERYONE! People with previous in-person

Mettler based dance experience are welcome to attend the Introductory Workshop, but it is not required.

People new to Mettler based dance, or have only attended classes via Zoom, must attend the Introductory

Workshop. The Intro Workshop will be taught by veteran Mettler dancer and teacher, Griff Goehring. All are

welcome to attend.


Registration requires two steps: Sign up Form and Payment (you will enter amount you selected on your Registration Form)

Intro Workshop:

$ 75 w/ congress

$125 workshop only

Congress 2025 Registration Fees:

IACD Members:  $320

Non-IACD Members:  $350 (includes 1 year membership)

Early Bird* IACD Members:  $245 (in full) before April 15th

Early Bird* Non-IACD Members:  $275 (in full) before April 15th

(Presenters: $175)

Introductory Workshop Only

IACD Members:  $95

Non-IACD Members:  $125

Congress + Introductory Workshop: Congress fee + $75

register ASAP. We ask for a $50 deposit to hold your spot, with payment in full due by June 1st

* Early Bird prices require payment in full by April 15.

Alternatively, you may download the
pdf Registration Form and mail it with a check to IACD, c/o Ethridge, 325 West 45 Street #303A, New York, NY 10036. Please ALSO complete the online form so you are immediately on the list for this year’s Congress.

To request financial assistance, complete the form and/or contact us at

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